New Book release: Prime Evil by Heather Long & author interview
Please welcome a special guest here today. Heather Long is here for a visit. Her new book Prime Evil was released this Monday and she's here to talk a bit about herself and her new urban fantasy Prime Evil.
To start this smoothly we will begin with a few personal question so we get to know each other a little better.
Susi: Tea or coffee?
Heather: Yes! I love both. I grew up drinking hot tea and I enjoy drinking it regularly, but coffee is also a favorite. When I want comfort, I want tea, When I want to get my arse in gear, I want coffee.
Susi: Pepsi or coke?
Heather: Dr. Pepper! I am definitely more coke than Pepsi though.
Susi: Cat or dog?
Heather: Yes. I love my cats and I have had them all my life including the 23year old codger that I've had since my teen years! Dogs are fantastic companions, cats are motivators.
Susi: Sunny beach or winter wonderland?
Heather: Winter wonderland. I love snow, I love the crisp air. I love snuggling in front of a roaring fireplace.
Susi: Werewolf or vampire?
Heather: Werewolf. I can't get past the fact that vampires are cold, hard and dead. Even when they are sexy.
Susi: Star Wars or Star Trek?
Heather: Tough question, but Star Wars. Luke Skywalker was my first real crush and Star Wars, my first movie.
Susi: Cinema or home-movie?
Heather:Home-movies. I like the cinema for some films, but I am just as content watching at home. Particularly because televisions and sound systems have so dramatically improved the experience.
Susi: Weighted Companion Cube or cake?
Heather: That's a mood thing. I'm actually not that fond of cake, but I am sparing with the Weighted Companion Cubes. I have to admit, both are quite delicious!
Susi: Now back to the new book.Tell us a bit about Prime Evil? Heather: Prime Evil is an urban fantasy set in Northern Virginia. Chance Monroe is a hereditary hedge witch and deeply connected to the land. She uses her gifts to tend crops, lure fairies out of gardens and more. She's also the only survivor of a serial killer named Randall Oakes. Oakes was presumed dead for years, but now he's back and that puts Chance right back into the crossfire. It's an exciting mix of fantasy and suspense. When she was younger, Chance studied psychology with the idea of becoming a criminal profiler, but she's abandoned that dream-- too bad the nightmare hasn't forgotten her.
Susi: Can you tell us a bit about Chance? She sounds like a real strong woman?
Heather: Chance is a fun character. She's an orphan, her parents died when she was a pre-teen. She was raised by her maternal grandmother. Her mother likely shared the same gifts that Chance did, but her mother wanted nothing to do with it. Her grandmother taught Chance how to harness and use her gifts without abusing them. When her grandmother passed away, Chance inherited her position -- the passing of the reins so to speak. With the responsibility also came some serious limitations.Chance is intrinsically bound to the land, she cannot leave the area and she cannot ignore her gifts. She is comfortable with her choice and it was a choice -- something you will see more of touched in future books.
Susi: Why did you choose witches as protagonists?
Heather: I love witches. I love their magic, their deep connections with the Earth and their ability to use ceremonial magic as well as earth-based magic. There's something very natural about their paranormal abilities. In my vision, witches work within the laws of nature and physics, they don't twist them.Are there other paranormal characters involved in the story?Oh, a few.And is there some romance for us?The return of Randall Oakes is actually heralded by FBI Special Agent Jack Parker. He and Chance were lovers once upon a time but currently are very close friends. Old feelings kindle between them, but they have a few hurdles to survive.
Susi: Is it a standalone or do you plan other books in this world?
Heather: Yes, it is very much a standalone, but that being said -- there will be more. I am currently working on the sequel - Seismos which will take us back into Chance's world. I have a free short story called It Happens available at ARe Books, featuring Chance.
Susi: What would you ask about your book if you had the opportunity? And you are free to answer it!
Heather: Why urban fantasy?Because I think that every life should have a little magic in it, even our mundane ones. I believe magic exists in our world, you just have to look for it.Thanks for having me and I hope you enjoy reading Prime Evil. For every book sold, I will be donating $0.25 to the World Wildlife Fund to promote conservation of land and species in our world. I believe we should leave the Earth better than we found it.
Thanks Heather for answering my questions. If you have some questions just shoot. I'm sure Heather will be happy to answer them for you!
To get in touch with Heather or to get more information about her books you can reach her @website, @twitter,@facebook, @myspace, @DailyDose(Blog)
Heather's books:
Remembering Ashby (Sweet Fantasy Romance)@SapphireBluePublishing
Prime Evil (Urban Fantasy) buy @SapphireBluePublishing
P.S. Heather also has a guest post ("Never Judge a Witch by her Leather) over @Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings including a giveaway of an $10 Amazon gift certificate(deadline is Monday, Nov 23rd; open to all). Just look here.
Hi Heather and Susi:
Excellent interview! I'm a coffee girl myself and have a house full of extended fur family including a cat and 3 dogs... lol
"Prime Evil", sounds excellent, spine tingling. When you say Chance is the only survivor of the serial killer I'm assuming you mean she was attacked by him and managed to prevail? (Dumb question likely but I just wanted to clarify.. lol)
I love cross genre stories by the way.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ladies,
Loved the interview, I prefer tea and cats. Probably because I am too lazy to walk the dog!
Prime Evil sounds exciting! Serial killers fascinate me, always want to know what motivates their twisted minds. And a little romance as well, sounds like a great read!
O and I love the fact that you donate 25 cent to the WWF for every book sold!
Thank you for great interview!
Hugs X
=) Great interview. Prime Evil looks really interesting . Chance doesn't look like she had an easy childhood. I love magic, i love witches!
It's great that you will be donating a part to the World Wildlife Fund, it's important to take care of our planete =)
Great Interview :) That book sounds really interesting... one more for my TBR pile *sigh
Great interview.
Sounds like an interesting book, I do like to hear about new to me authors, lol, everyone is that to me these days and I am loving it
Hi Susi & Heather! (Great Name you've got there!)
Susi, This is one of the best interviews I have read in a really long time. I love your questions and as usual I will probably 'borrow' some of them when I do my first interview!!! And I am not just saying that because you are one of my fav people in the world - I'm saying it because its true & from the heart!
This book sounds awesome! Adding it to my TBR right now! You're answers are great & both you & the story sound very entertaining! I also love your name because its mine also and I love the name Chance because its one of the names that was at the top of my list to name my eldest daughter - but I lost that fight...LOL Can't wait to read this book!
Thank you both for introducing me to this book!
Heather a.k.a. @BookobsessedGrl
Lea - Hi there, and no it's not a dumb question at all. In fact, Chance was assaulted by the killer, she was stabbed four times and left to die. If she didn't have her abilities, she likely would have died.
Marissa - Hi there! I love my puppies. I had a farm for years so 'walking' the dog wasn't a problem. Luckily, we have a huge back yard and the old lady doesn't want to walk anymore (she's nearly 14), but she does love going for rides in the car.
Pattepoilue - Chance's childhood definitely had dark moments, but it wasn't horrible. You'll see glimpses of it here and there, but she's a pretty well-grounded person (pardon the pun) and she has friends from childhood that she still has today!
Larissa - Yay! Add me to the TBR!
Blodeudd - Discovering a new author is like discovering a beautiful bit of scenery in your own backyard. I love when I trip over new authors and then immediately become immersed in their imagination
BookObsessed - Well hello Heather! You have 'chanced' into my favorite name as well! I am tickled that Chance was one of the names for your eldest daughter! When Chance came to life for me, she came fully formed with her name Chance Monroe. I thought about using her name as a play for the book titles too, but that hasn't happened yet!
Susi - Thanks for the Interview, it was lots of fun. My husband's face was hilarious when I got to the Weighted Companion Cube or Cake -- he wasn't sure what the former was, luckily, I was!
Excellent interview! And I got a kick out of the getting-to-know-you questions at the beginning. :)
The book sounds amazing, and I love that you're donating part of your profits to the WWF! Very cool!
Susi, please check my blog... there's a surprise 4 you :)
@Lea I'm still working on the fur family but BF is still struggling. Men! LOL
@Marissa I'm a cat person myself cuz of the same reason. I love the donating Heather does for this book too. Lovely idea!
@pattepoilue I love witches too!
@Larissa thanks for swinging by and thanks so much for the award.
@BookObsessed Thankies, you really make me blush to often. Tears in eyes now.
@Alexia Was not as easy as it sounds to make up some questions. But BF and me had really fun coming up with them. LOL
@Heather Thanks again for coming here for the interview.
Susi best interview evah! I look to you and other bloggers for UF recommendations since that is a genre I've started reading just this past year.
Heather thumbs up on the werewolf answer :)
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