My Geeky Desires – Bad Weather
The last few weeks in Germany were rainy and stormy. That's so not my weather. I'm all for warm and sunshine so I definitely need something to light up these bad days.
Typical for me I couldn't find my umbrella a few weeks back so I searched around for a really cool one. Heather from Book Obsessed gave me a link to a wonderful website Geeksugar and I found an article about umbrellas. =)
Here are my two favorites:
The first one is my absolute favorite: The Lightsaber umbrella! Yes you read right! Since I was a kid I always wanted my own lightsaber. Not one of these plastic thingies, I wanted a real looking one. But these are mostly way to expensive so why not just combine the wish with something practical like an umbrella? And never again it will be to dark under the umbrella.LOL And I want the red one. Yeah, I know only the Sith have the red ones but I'm a girls and I want the cloth matching color and that's red for me! You can buy it here, or so I think. I don't understand one thing on this website but the pictures are nice. Seems to be Korean or something like that. Damn!
The second one has a very popular theme: Twilight. You ask why is it geeky than? Because it has batteries. It's sold on a UK website here and it seems they know what to do when it's raining! LOL. Look here:
This one has many tiny LEDs and imitates an starlit sky. Isn't that cute. I have no idea what that has to do with Twilight beside that it sparkles, probably only to get more sales. But it's a lovely idea.
What do you think?
its so good to be a geek lol we get the most imaginative stuff :)
great post!
lol every time you surprise me with something even more geeky! ;) Since it's raining a lot in France i had my share of Umbrella. The most original was a rainforest that's no lightsaber! I think it could be useful at night lol.
Bwahaha Twilight Umbrella, i'm heading to see New Moon as i speak, maybe i should have bought this before ;)
Ok the Twilight one is silly, no one would get that.
But oh I love the SW one!
ahaha i love that no one's voted for the twilight one so far. suck it twilight!
You girls are so great! I was afraid everyone would scream: "TWILIGHT"
You all just rock. Obi Wan would be proud!
Your geeky desires are always so. . .desirable!
OMG. A light saber umbrella? Now I've seen everything. ;)
I heart the twilight one!!! I love anything that sparkles!
The lightsaber umbrellas are too cool! Agree that the red one would be my choice as well, as red is one of my favorite colors.
Have a little something for you at my blog
when you have a chance to swing by.
Ohmigosh, LIGHT SABER umbrellas! That is amazing :-) Thanks for posting.
OMG the light saber umbrellas gets me all excited. I would give my left arm for one of those...I'd be like the coolest 20 something year old on my block *wink*
I love the light saber one!! I am so checking that site out-my brother in laws love anything to do with star wars.
I am such a nerd-I didn't see where you said the website was in another language. ;)
Oh I like the light saber one! I am a Twilight fan... but batteries... water... batteries... water... yea... the saber one wins!!
I am sorry to hear that it is not nice weather over there... I will wish for sunshine to head your way soon!!! Like this morning... LOL!
Have a great day honey!
OMG! I soooo want a light saber umbrella!!!!!!!!!!!!! *droool*
Geeks unite! Umbrella light sabers for everyone!
We can be good Siths together! Rewrite a little Star Wars. ;)
Lite saber way cool! The Twilight one must sparkle because in twilight the Vampires sparkle when they re in the sun? I dont know... guessing :)
I'm so proud! So many Lightsaber lovers! Now we just need someone to translate this site for us! LOL
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