September 30, 2009

Review: Sweet Seduction (ARC) by Maya Banks


He was the stuff erotic dreams are made of...
Salon owner Julie Stanford wanted Nathan Tucker ever since she gave him his first massage. Getting paid to feel every inch of his body, stripped, oiled, and spread out in front of her? Stuff dreams are made of. But the sexy lug was oblivious to the signals she was sending—until she finished off his final rub-down with something extra. In fact, the best extra he ever had. Unfortunately, he came around too late. Now Julie’s moving on…
She was everything he’d dreamed of...
The woman was driving him crazy. She lit fire to his insides then ran like a scalded cat. And now she’s going to someone else to have all her fantasies fulfilled? Over his dead body… He’s more than willing to give her what she wants, and as soon as he pins the little minx down, he’d show her his own brand of sweet seduction. (by


Julie is a very strong woman who knows exactly what, or better said who she wants. She’s stubborn as hell and doesn’t want to back down. Her ideas are sometimes a bit over the top but she makes them come true nonetheless. Julie runs from one extreme into the next but she won my heart with her sassy attitude and her witty comments. She’s a very reliable person and full of love for her friends. She has character, a very strong one and men seem to be afraid of it. But who is Julie to change herself for men. She doesn’t want to cower in front of one. She knows her goals, doesn’t quarrel with herself, just starts going for them.

Nathan is a real sweetheart. I know men hate to hear that but he really is. He’s caring and never short of a helping hand. There's just one tiny problem: He wants Julie but he’s to shy to do something about it. He feels like a little teenage boy every time she’s near him. He has to find a way to get past this or he will lose her completely. And this would be unacceptable for him. He can be stubborn too.

But when Julie tries to get him out of her head all bets are off. She goes straight for her biggest fantasy and Nathan will do anything to prevent that or better to participate.
Sounds naughty and it definitely is- in a very good way. LOL
Nathan crosses his own limits just to make Julies dreams come true and how sweet is that. I love that man.
Yeah I know it’s not necessary to say but the scenes between the sheets are great as ever but no real surprise because Maya wrote this book and she knows how to make the pages sizzle.

The relationship between the two is slightly different in comparison to the first two books but in my opinion it suits them. I loved the way Maya developed the connection between Nathan and Julie while still getting all the subplot smoothed inside the story. I never lost focus on the main action but was also really intrigued about what happens to everyone else- and there's a lot happening in this book. The groundwork for Micah’s story is so good that I already started counting the days till his book is released(188 days *sigh*). Great book about love and friendship with a good amount of witty and funny comments.

To learn more about Maya and her books please visit her website here.

The Sweet Series:

1. Sweet Surrender: my review, reviews @goodreads
buy @amazon or as ebook @BooksOnBoard
2. Sweet
my review, reviews @goodreads
buy @amazon or as ebook @BooksOnBoard
3. Sweet Seduction(release October, 6th 2009):

other reviews @goodreads

@amazon or as ebook @BooksOnBoard

4. Sweet Temptation (release April, 6th 2010)

September 29, 2009

Review: Sweet Persuasion by Maya Banks


For five years, Serena has run Fantasy Incorporated and has devoted her time to fulfilling her clients’ fantasies. Never her own. Until now…
Her most secret desire is to give ownership of her body to a man. Someone who will command her, pleasure her, and have complete authority over her. So she seeks out Damon Roche, owner of an exclusive sex club and a man strong enough to make her do anything he wants. Anything.
Together they’ll journey into a world she’s only dreamed of. She’s given the opportunity to immerse herself in a different life while her normal one waits for her to return whenever she wishes. Damon has no desire to let her go, however. Serena is the woman he’s long searched for, and it’s up to him to convince her to stay when the game is all over with. He wants their fantasy to become their reality and for Serena to remain his pampered, cherished submissive.(by


This review is kind of hard for me to write.I enjoyed reading the book but there are few things I’m not sure about. But let’s start at the beginning.

Serena(I love this name) is a successful woman. She has her own firm, a nice car and everything you can want from life except one thing: she wants to be a slave to a powerful master. Not like in the middle ages but like a very strict D/s relationship. I’m not sure if I, or my inner feminist likes this idea. But OK everyone what he likes. She’s not sure how to get that and after talking to Faith about it she contacts Damon and starts to fulfill her own dream. She’s a strong character despite being so submissive. She knows what she wants and I admire her strength to admit it.
Damon is really hot and from the first second I read about him in book 1 I wanted to know more about him. He has very high expectations concerning a functioning relationship. He wants to take charge of everything not only between the sheets. He knows that is much to ask and that not many woman would give so much freedom away. But he wants nothing less and waits for his super submissive to show up in his life. When he learns what Serena really wants he can’t give her to another man because she is exactly what he wants.

The connection between both of them builds relatively fast. Beneath all this master slave thing seems to be real deep feelings. It surprise me to be so emotional and I have to admit at one point their could have been a tear in my eyes. At moments everything is real cute and smooth between them but there are parts in this story I just can’t accept as easily. The slave status is taken real far, perhaps too far for me and is absolutely nothing for the faint of heart. We witness many dirty things in this book from bondage to spankings. I enjoyed reading it nonetheless. It’s really hot but a few things put a damper on it for me.I don’t want to be more specific because it would spoil the book. When you read it you will know what I mean.

The side characters were great as ever. The girls together are great and the boys are just adorable. We meet everyone again and it made me really curious about the next book but I have to admit Julie annoyed me from time to time.

This book is real great read and it’s one of the hottest books I read so far. If you got no problem with BDSM and a master/slave relationship you should get this book ASAP.

This is book 2 in the Sweet Series. If you want to learn more about Sweet Surrender, the first book in this series read my review here. To learn more about Maya and her books please visit her website here.

Read other reviews @goodreads .

Buy this book @amazon or as ebook @BooksOnBoard

Come back tomorrow to read my review of Sweet Seduction, book #3 in the Sweet Series.

September 28, 2009

Review: Sweet Surrender by Maya Banks


Sometimes the first step in taking control is surrendering.
Under Faith Malone’s deceptively soft exterior lies a woman who knows exactly what she wants. A strong man who’ll take without asking—because she’s willing to give him everything…
Dallas cop Gray Montgomery is on a mission: find the guy who killed his partner—and bring him to justice. So far, he’s found a link between the killer and Faith—and if Gray has to get close to her to catch the killer, so be it.
Faith is sweet and feminine, everything Gray wants and desires in a woman, but he suspects she’s playing games. No way she would allow a man to call the shots in their relationship. Or would she?
Faith sees in Gray the strong, dominant man she needs, but he seems determined to keep her at a distance. So she takes matters into her own hands to prove to him it’s no game she’s playing. She’s willing to surrender to the right man. Gray would like to be that man. But catching his partner’s killer has to be his first priority. Until Faith is threatened and Gray realizes he will do anything to protect her.


Faith is a natural submissive- she wants a man to take the lead and the control. She wants to be cared about and needs to feel treasured. Short said: She wants a REAL man and doesn’t know how to get one of those. She’s intrigued by Gray but is afraid to just get another “wannabe” man. So she makes her own plans about getting what she wants. And where did she go to: the local sex club and his sexy owner Damon.

Gray is on an important mission- he wants to get the murder of his partner but what he finds is sweet Faith. He can’t seem to avoid her. He likes her more every time he sees her and he knows getting involved with her isn’t the smart thing to do. He lies to her because his mission is incognito and he hates every minute of it. But what should he do? Stopping to try to find the murder or just forget her? He goes for the second solution but when he discovers what she plans to do in the sex club all bets are off.

The relationship between both of them is a steady back and forth in the beginning. Faith wants all and as fast as possible and Gray is a little reluctant to believe she really wants what she says. Gray annoyed me a bit with, I can’t even say what exactly. I think he annoyed me because he is himself. I think I just don’t like him. I hated the lying and that he didn’t tell her the truth when he had the chance too. I talked to a few people on twitter about that and it seems I’m the only one who’s thinking so. The sex is hawt- it has nearly everything you can think of: BDSM, D/s play and ménage without being too much. Ok perhaps I should rephrase that: Everything I can think of. Don’t know how dirty your minds are. LOL

The suspense plot is good and the pace of the story is great. I really like Maya’ style of writing. The side characters are perfect. I think I love all the other boys- specially Damon and Micah. OMG, these two are yummy.

On thing I noticed is that Maya uses the word “glad” very often(14 times- yep I counted). I only noticed because I so hate this word so much. I know I’m crazy but it sounds so awful and I have the need to puke every time I read it. I don’t know why perhaps it’s because English is not my mother tongue. So just ignore this if you’ve got no problem with this word.LOL

Ignoring my own craziness this book was really good and I enjoyed reading it.

This is the first book in the Sweet Series.
To learn more about Maya and her books please visit her website here.

Read other review @goodreads
Buy the book @amazon or as ebook @BooksOnBoard.

Come back tomorrow to read my review of Sweet Persuasion, book #2 in the Sweet Series.

September 25, 2009

Science Fiction Hunks – Week 3

It’s Friday again and this week I will show you sexy sides of *drumroll* Star Wars. Nope, I’m not kidding. There really are yummy man in Star Wars. So we will start with the Original:

Ok, he might be really old now but back then Harrison Ford was really nice to the eyes. SO take a look at Han Solo:

Especially for Mandi with a hairy chest. LOL

I don’t like Luke so the only option from this time would be Chewbacca and that is just so strange so we will go on.

For lack of hunks in the first three movies they made it up with the comics. An example: Take a look at Janek "Tank" f

rom Star Wars: Rebellion #1:


Now we come to the first three movies and my my little super hunky secret Mr. Wet Dream: Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi:

Look at these eyes. And yes these are blue again. Do you see my pattern?


And I adore him in this Davidoff commercial:

I know I lost track of the real theme of the post but this guy is just…I don’t have words for him. *sigh*
And a little side info. Have you ever watched Young Adam? It’s a Scotish movie from 2003 with Ewan and Tilda Swinton. The movie is real strange but he’s naked so I enjoyed watching it. LOL Just a joke. It’s a good movie- very depressing and thoughtful but great.

And last but not least a little geeky thing I found while searching for these pictures- lovely Star Wars Dolls. ME WANT!

September 22, 2009

Review: Start Me Up by Victoria Dahl


Lori Love is yearning for something more.

Lori had always planned to get out of tiny Tumble Creek, Colorado, but when her late dad left her his beloved auto body shop, she'd stayed. Now, according to her crazy best friend, Molly, what Lori needs is some excitement, in the form of hot, no-strings-attached sex…and lots of it.
Quinn Jennings has buildings on the brain—not love and romance. A serious architect, he's delighted to discover that Lori is willing to skip dating protocols and head straight for the sheets. And aided by the steamy books on Lori's bedside table, he's busy indulging both of their wildest fantasies. But when life in Tumble Creek takes a dangerous turn for Lori, Quinn's protective instincts kick in.
Suddenly he cares. More than either of them ever expected…. (by


Start Me Up is the second book in the Tumble Creek series and I adored the first book Talk Me Down. Before starting this one I was a little afraid of getting disappointed- because it couldn’t really be as good as the first one. But I have to admit it is.

Lori is chained to Tumble Creek first by her ill dad and now by his garage. She never wanted to be a mechanic- she had this dreams about finishing college and than seeing the world in all her beauty. But that seems to be out of reach now. She hates that everyone sees her as one of the boys or even worse the town lesbian. That’s no good start to attract male attention(only the really strange ones). Now she tries to pimp herself a bit to get the attraction she deserves as a woman.

Quinn is the ultimate beta-hero, a nerdy super genius spending his time as an architect, he’s often totally absorbed in his work and doesn’t even notice the world around him. Sounds like an autist but it’s more a declaration of love for his work. He always forgets dates and we all know a man like this didn’t stand a chance with an ordinary girl. He tries to be something special for Lori and *hear hear* he also reads her romance novels to learn what she likes. I think my bf would prefer to jump from a cliff before reading one of those books.

Both of them together are really great. They have a lot of hot chemistry and fit together just perfect(OMG that sounds juicy). The dialogs are witty and made me cry out with laughter. The sex is hot and full of dirty Spanish words. The whole book is a nice mix of romance and suspense with the main focus on the romance. In my opinion the end was a little abrupt but the only critic I can find. I enjoyed this book so much it directly moved on my re-read pile right next to Talk me Down.

To learn more about Victoria Dahl and her books take a look at her website here.

Tumble Creek Series:

1. Talk Me Down: my really short mini review,
reviews @goodreads, buy @amazon

2. Start Me Up: reviews

@goodreads, buy @amazon
3. Lead Me On: (Release January 2010) excerpt here

September 18, 2009

Cover Alert – The Mage in Black

Just found the cover For Jaye Wells’ “The Mage in Black” and you have to see that:

I totally love this cover. Sabina’s look just scream “Ill kick youre ass.” I can’t wait to get this book. Oh and miss Wells also gave us the Blurb:

“Sabina Kane doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to family. After all, her own grandmother, leader of the vampire race, wants her dead. So when she arrives in New York to meet her mage relatives, the reunion puts the fun in dysfunctional.

Not only is mage culture completely bizarre, but everyone seems to think she’s some kind of ‘Chosen’ who’ll unite the dark races. Sabina doesn’t care who chose her, she’s not into destiny. But mages aren’t Sabina’s only problem. In New York’s Black Light District, she has run-ins with fighting demons, hostile werewolves and an opportunistic old flame.

Sabina thought she’d take a bite out of the Big Apple – but it looks like it wants to bite back.”

The book will be released on April 1, 2010. It’s still a long wait but to stay informed you can take a look at Mrs. Wells blog here.

Science Fiction Hunks – Week 2

It's Friday and the second week of discovering the beautiful world of Science Fiction.Today we make a long trip into the Pegasus Galaxy. Take a look at these wonderful guys of Stargate: Atlantis.

Our first eye catcher is Mr.  Joe Flanigan as John Sheppard:



Always a smile on his face:


This picture of him is just great:


Next one in my list is Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett. He's such a sweetheart and nice to look at:

I have a thing for blue eyes:

And last but definitely not least Mr. Wet Dream Jason Momoa as Ronon Dex:

Look at this body:


If you think: “I know this guy!” it could be from Baywatch. He was already great to look at that time:

So that’s it for today. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

September 15, 2009

Review: Laid Bare by Lauren Dane

Unexpected Desire…
It’s been ten years since clean-cut, sexy-as-hell police officer Todd Keenan had a white-hot fling with Erin Brown, the provocative, wild rocker chick next door. Their power exchange in the bedroom got under his skin. But love wasn’t in the cards just yet…
Now, life has thrown the pair back together. But picking up where they left off is tough, in light of a painful event from Erin’s past. As Todd struggles to earn her trust, their relationship takes an unexpected and exciting turn when Todd’s best friend, Ben, ends up in their bed—and all three are quite satisfied in this relationship without a name. As the passion they share transforms Erin, will it be enough to help her face the evil she thought she had left behind?

This book was just Wow! Yeah, I know I should have known after reading so many great reviews but seriously I never imagined it to be so good.
Erin is a real hot rocker chick with Dreadlocks and a really open and direct personality.
Todd is really hawt but he’s a little shy concerning his preference in the rack. He’s afraid of other people judging him and thinks what he wants is wrong. Tsk, men!!! They can have issues.

They share a few nights but part ways for nearly ten years. When they meet again nothing is the same.
Todd is more confident with his sexuality. He realized that he will never be happy unless he stands up for his wishes and stops hiding his real self from the world.
Erin is still strong but has a few issues to live with. Her life was more than hard but she tries to stay herself and doesn't want to cower under her past. I totally admired her- strong but not untouchable by her past.
And then we have Ben- he’s a real sweety. He kind of stands at the sideways: In their relationship they are all kind of equal but for the outside he is the FRIEND living with the married couple. It's a hard situation and in the beginning he isn’t sure if his position is really the same one as Todd’s.

The story was great and we don’t have to talk about the sex part because we all know Lauren Dane totally knows how to write these scenes- shockingly good and in great detail. It’s one of the best m/f/m ménage books I ever read. Unlike most other books in this department this book has a real story- a heartbreaking, emotional story(me the crybaby). It’s full of raw emotion and sexual attraction all in a great mix. Just perfect!
Warning for all who don’t know Lauren Dane: This book is full explicit sex and definitely not for the faint of heart.

To learn more about Lauren Dane and here books please visit her website

other reviews: - Leontine’s Book Realm
Pearl’s World of Books

- @Goodreads
buy this book @
amazon, or digital @BooksOnBoards

September 11, 2009

Science Fiction Hunks – Week 1

We started a wonderful discussion on twitter today: Stargate and the beauty of it. So i thought I invent a new weekly post: Science Fiction Hunks.

The first post is all about Stargate SG-1. If you never watched Stargate SG-1 you should definitely start now. You ask yourself why? So I will give you some reasons to do so.

This series is so funny but there are also a few “visual” reasons to take a look.

The first one is Michael Shanks as Daniel Jackson. Don’t know him? Shame on you! 

Look at these eyes! *sigh* : 


And as always I’m totally for the Bad Boys so take a look at Cliff Simon as Baal:

We here in Germany are full of love for this character so we gave him a city (LOL): 

And there is also

Richard Dean Anderson better known as

Jack O’Neill or MacGyver. Yeah, I know I have a daddy syndrome.


And last but not least Ben Browder as Cameron Mitchell: 

And these boys love each other as you can see here (Michael Shanks and Ben Browder):

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