February 28, 2011

I'm worth my weight in a Gator Battle- Are you?

So I just got notified today that I'm actually worth my weight in Gator Battle.  Yes, yes I know you aren't surprised. LOL But I'm so proud that Stella @ Ex Libris thought of me. She definitely is too.

But now that I faced this unbelievable honor I realized something: does this mean I would actually have to kill a Gator? Because I could never actually hurt some nice creature like Gigantagator or Alliflash? Seriously what kind of person could. So I thought I would give you some of my ideas about how I would fight them.

1. Put on some Barry White and get a nice Ally McBeal bathroom dance started. No one can be angry while listening to Barry.

2. I could start a narration of Moby Dick, surely every living being would surrender after 2 pages. This is an undeniable truth!

3. Chocolate! I could bribe them with Lindt Lindor- the small choclate balls of evil created to lure every living being into the total delirium of endorphine-overload!

4. I would put on my Tick Tock suit and give my best show of crazy. I know I don't really have to change my habbits for that but let's pretend I would. They would see I'm one of them and then we could grab some chips and start a movie night....I would vote for Peter Pan!

5.And if all of those won't work I actually have to resort to the heavy measures. It really breaks my heart but I would get out my bottle of hairspary extra shine. I know that Kitty swears on extra strong but I'm all for the shine and glamour. It's just my last resort but I actually don't expect them to resist Barry & Co.

Now it's time to actually spread the love and here are the 5 girls I think are worth their weight in a Gator Battle:

Caroline the Almighty @One Book Away From Heaven - cuz she is bad ass and if nothing else she will make the gators laugh themselves to death

Blodeuedd the Eloquent @Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell - she knows so many languages she will probably also speak Gatorish and solve all the missunderstandings that way

Sullivan McPig the Questioner @Pearls Cast Before a McPig - Sulli has Gator friends! 'nuff said!

Queen B the Fierce @That's QUEEN Bitch To You - she is one of the most heartfelt persons I know but believe me you don't want to be on her shitlist!

Bea the Little-Monster-tamer @Bea's Book Nook - anyone who surives a bunch of kiddies every day can battle anything

So that's my take! How would you battle the gators?


Julia Barrett February 28, 2011 at 9:39 PM  

A nice German girl like you wrastlin' a gator? Love to see it!

Blodeuedd February 28, 2011 at 9:47 PM  

Lol, well thank you my fairy lady :)
I shall go forth and fight gators, because yes gatorish should not be that hard to pick up ;)

SusiSunshine February 28, 2011 at 10:00 PM  

@Julia Yeah LOL ;)

@Blodeuedd Indeed! We can show them who's stronger LOL

Sullivan McPig March 1, 2011 at 12:29 AM  

This is a big honour! Thank you!
I especially love your Barry White method of calming the gators. I myself always feel very relaxed and happy when listening to him.

Alexia561 March 1, 2011 at 4:05 AM  

Congrats on winning this awesome award! Love your gator fighting ideas, as I was a little worried about actually having to fight them! And you're right, no one can resist Barry! *L*

Unknown March 9, 2011 at 12:40 PM  

I knew I chose wisely when I wanted you on my elite team, these are some smooth and effective 'gator combator moves ;-D

LOVE Ally McBeal, LOVE this song, and LOVE those bathroom dancing scenes!! :-D genius to use these on the 'gators :-))

(and as I can tell from the very ecstatic 'gator above, he really does enjoy the performance :-p)

Hugs! :-)

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