April 24, 2011

I'm moving in with @pattepoilue

Hey everyone!
I have some great news to share. I will leave The Geeky Bookworm behind and share a blog with Caroline aka pattepoilue. Our new place is called Secret HEA Society and we plan some really funny stuff.

Secret HEA Society

So everyone who wants to stay in touch jump on over to http://secretheasociety.blogspot.com/ and join the fun!

I'm looking forward to see you there.

Hugs to all and Happy Easter!

April 4, 2011

My March Reads

Another month and some new authors discovered. I have to say this don't review so much routine is a really reading mojo savior for me. I discovered some great new authors this months. So here is what I read:

Desire Unchained
Enemy Within
Alien in the Family
Lady Doctor Wyre: Jane Austen Space Opera, Book 1
Gabriel's Ghost
Grave Witch
Friendly Fire
Crash Into Me
Set the Dark on Fire
Newly Fallen
Out of the Blue
1. Dirty by Megan Hart - 5 cubes
Pleasure re-read. It always surprises me again how much I love this book. Perfect. the characterisation is awesome and the plot is captivating. And to my shock I discovered that I never reviewed this book. Will actually do that now.

2. Friendly Fire by Megan Hart (my review) - 4 cubes
Friendly Fire is funny, sexy and very emotional. It will show you about how deep and thoughtful a short story can be. Another keeper by Ms Hart- we all have to thank Carina Press for re-releasing this one. Highly recommended read for the short entertainment- it will leave you smiling and happy.

3. Taken by Lilith Saintcrow - 3 cubes
This one was not what I expected it to be. It dragged a bit and it wasn't as kick-ass I thought it would be. It felt a bit too whiney and even though I expected that it didn't have enough to balance it out. In the Dante Valentine books Dante was a bit like this too from time to time but she was also strong and fought and wasn't that weak. And this book was smut free- that kind of surprised me. *shrug* Should probably pick up the Jill Kismet books when I feel like reading a Saintcrow again.

4. Enemy Within by Marcella Burnard - 4 cubes
Wow- just wow. This one was really good. Good developed science fiction world with really nice romance. The characters were engaging and the plot had some really good points that will make you think. I loved how everything fit together and I'm eagerly awaiting book 2.

5. Crash Into Me by Jill Sorenson (my review) - 5 cubes
I loved this book- it had everything I love about books and so much more. I had high expectations and this book didn't disappoint at all- it exceeded everything I could have imagined before I started it.  LOVED it! If you haven't read this author I urge you to give her a try-I was blown away and I hope you will be too. 

6. Set the Dark on Fire by Jill Sorenson - 4 stars
Again I'm so happy I discovered this author. Her writing is something really unique. Her characterization is really awesome and done with so much love for detail. I love how she actually includes to love-stories and how both are so different from each other. I already order her 2 new releases. *g* Can't wait to get my next fix.

7. Alien in the Family (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #3) by Gini Koch (my review)
This one is full of funny action, romance, emotion and so much more. It will make you squee and perhaps even wet your eyes at times. I loved every second of it. It's a thrilling ride you won't forget. So to sum it all up: Alien in the Family will rock your socks of. And OMG the poofs are made of awesomesauce!

8. Grave Witch (Alex Craft, #1) by Kalayna Price - 4 cubes
I admit I bought this book because of the great cover and I love stories about witches. The story and world were really unique and greatly realized. I loved Alex and OMG Death is made of yum- and yes I realize that this sounds so many kinds of wrong. Can't wait to get the next book.

9. Desire Unchained (Demonica, #2) by Larissa Ione - 3 1/2 cubes
It was not as good as book 1 and it just didn't grab me completely. I really liked Shade but sometimes I wanted to strangle him. I'm sure I will read the rest of the Demonica novels though. I think I might just be a bit PNR burned out. *sad face*

10. Lady Doctor Wyre: Jane Austen Space Opera by Joely Sue Burkhart (my review) - 4 cubes
Lady Doctor Wyre really fascinated me. An inventive setting with an enthralling adventure plot. The mix of historical, steampunk and science fiction is masterly woven together and the detailed view you get in the novel will leave you breathless. I say bring me more Lady Burkhart!

11. Newly Fallen by Megan Hart- 4 cubes
This one was really nice. A quick entertaining read. Who wouldn't wish for a sexy guy falling naked in your backyard? Very cute and sexy- it'S made to be read for the short entertainment in between.

12. Tithed by Megan Hart
The magical Dirty so to say. It actually revolvels around the same issues as Dirty but adds a paranormal twist. I really enjoyed it even though it sometimes gave me a really weird sense of deja vu.

13. Gabriel's Ghost (Dock Five Universe, #1) by Linnea Sinclair - 3 cubes
This one rather disappointed me. Everyone always told me to read Ms Sinclair's book because as a scifi lover I just have to and this one really just dragged along. The middle couldn't hold my attention at all and I read 2 other novels before I finished this one. In the end it really picked up and I was sitting at the edge of my seat but there still was something missing. Will try to get some more recs and perhaps try one of her better ones.

14. Out of the Blue by Annemarie Hartnett (my review) - 4 1/2 cubes
This book is made of win. A story full of love and emotion with the right amount of witty humor and sexy scenes thrown in. I loved the characters and their easy banter. A book made for my keeper shelf. Highly recommended read!

That was my month? How was yours?

April 3, 2011

Review: Out of the Blue by Annemarie Hartnett

Georgie knew that hooking up with her ex would bring complications. For one, Anthony is trying to help her out by getting her a job with his latest boyfriend, Etienne. For another, he’s hinting that he and Etienne might want her to join them the next time they get together to play. It isn’t long before Anthony’s suggestion ignites a bit of after-hours fun between the boss and his new employee, and Georgie finds herself enjoying the attention of two gorgeous men at the same time. And it doesn't stop there.

But it can’t be multiple orgasms all the time for Georgie, not when one of her boyfriends decides he’s not happy, making everyone unhappy. The high of being a part of a scorching threesome wears off, leaving Georgie fighting to keep the perfect relationship intact.

Twice the boyfriend. Twice the fun. More trouble than she ever imagined.

Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse (implied), male/male sexual practices, menage (m/m/f, m/f/m).

I really don't know where to start- this book blew me away. I already fell in love with Hartnett's writing in the past but I think this one may just be my favorite of hers. This book has it all- hilarious witty scenes, deep emotion and inner struggle and a love story so hawt and sexy it will blow you away too. But lets start at the beginning.

In Out of the Blue we meet some wonderful characters. Georgie is living through some rough times right now. She lost her job and has to move out of her apartment cuz she can't afford the rent anymore. But still she doesn't lose her wit and humor. She is strong and open minded and I would love to have a friend like that. She's game for all the crazy stupid things that make life more interesting and fun.

On the other hand we have her ex, Anthony and I actually fell in love with him from the start. He is a strong character and 100% alpha material. He's bisexual and even though he and Georgie realized some time back that they aren't made to be an item they have a certain friends with benefits arrangement going on. They are a fun non-couple and make the best of the time they have together. I loved how Anthony always teased Georgie- he certainly knows how to build up the excitement. *wink*

But in the last few months another man joined the equation- Etienne is Anthony's new boyfriend and they seem to have the potential to become something serious. Etienne is so funny- I loved how cluttered he was but still never lost focus of the important things.
Quote Georgie to Etienne about his office moving plans:
“Screw the boxes. Go up to Citadel Hill and ask to borrow one of the cannons from the fortress. Then you can stuff everything into it, aim it north, and then blow your shit into your new office.”
He's also such a  social engaged character and he KNOWS what he wants. He is a wonderful character I deeply admired. He stole my heart even though I thought Anthony already had it.

I loved how geeky the guys could be at times. You may have noticed that I have a little soft spot for pop-culture references and this book made me happy.

One of the things that makes this book special to me is the glimpse we get into Georgie's mind. She made me burst out laughing so often.

Georgie's thoughts before first "date" with Etienne:
I suppose it won’t hurt. Then again, I’ll bet that’s what the guy on the Internet said right before he tried to have sex with that horse.
I loved how the relationship between our 3 characters built up slowly and their dynamics were spot on. It's not one of those rosy painted relationships that make you shake you head. These three just seemed so real with human flaws and appealing little twists. I was glued to the pages. Even when they fought the wit and fun never were completely gone.
“I'm going home. You two can stay here and club one another to death with raw pieces of brontosaurus meat, but I'm leaving.”
But there are also those deep emotional situation that left me teary eyed once or twice. This book is just such a great mix of everything- I can't say enough how much I liked it. And lets not forget the sexy time. *swoon* Oh my these two guys are hot on their own but together they are force you just can't ignore. *fans herself*
“Naked Saturday. Remember? We can bend the sex rule seeing as my vagina is probably broken at this point, but I'd really like to remain naked and toasty.”
Out of the Blue is a highly recommended read. Wonderful characters, perfect pace and a story that will touch your heart. It's witty, funny and such a sexy read- it just has it all. It kept me glued to the pages all day and I couldn't put it down until I read the last word. Hartnett did it again- I can't wait to get my hands on her next book.

To learn more about Annemarie and her books please visit her website here.
Read other reviews @goodreads. Buy the book at @LooseID.

March 30, 2011

I survived the Presentation Madness

Today I had my presentation in front 100+ people and I survived. Yay, go me! Nearly forgot to add that I passed so my internship wasn't for nothing. Wooot!

So in celebration here is a bit yummy rock!

And after a long twitter discussion yesterday we decided and I can have Gavin and Eicca and Michele Hauf gets Perttu so sorry ladies you have to take what's left. ;)

Now hurrying to work!
How was your day?

March 29, 2011

Another day of lectures + Reading Observations

So yeah I'm still bored but today I will actually put some content in this post. *wink*

Last week I granted myself a pleasure re-read of Dirty by Megan Hart- I have to say I so adore this book, I remembered that but every time I re-read it I'm surprised about how much I love it.

Here's the blurb for you:

I met him at the candy store. He turned around and smiled at me and I was surprised enough to smile back. This was not a children's candy store, mind you -- this was the kind of place you went to buy expensive imported chocolate truffles for your boss's wife because you felt guilty for having sex with him when you were both at a conference in Milwaukee. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

I've been hit on plenty of times, mostly by men with little finesse who thought what was between their legs made up for what they lacked between their ears. Sometimes I went home with them anyway, just because it felt good to want and be wanted, even if it was mostly fake.

The problem with wanting is that it's like pouring water into a vase full of stones. It fills you up before you know it, leaving no room for anything else. I don't apologize for who I am or what I've done in -- or out -- of bed. I have my job, my house and my life, and for a long time I haven't wanted anything else.

Until Dan. Until now.

So last weekend I also read a Megan Hart novella I wanted to buy for quite some time now. I have to admit I never read blurbs of my auto-buy authors- I know it's crazy but I never want to spoil the story or get a false idea of what the books is about. So I didn't read it. So please take a look:

He loves her, or he loves her not.

There's only one way to find out— take a chance.

For most people, Arithmancy is no more than a jumble of numbers. For Somnus Keep instructor Elspeth Valerin, those numbers are her refuge, her passion. Her magic—her only magic since a painful incident from her past cripples her ability to unlock the inner power of the thrall.

Today her calculations indicate change is in the air. That’s not what she smells when she enters The Slaughtered Lamb, though. She smells ale. Smoke. And when she catches a glimpse of the owner of the Lamb, memories.

Tonight there’s a new face among the regulars in Connell Byrne’s pub. The woman he once loved with all his heart—before she left it in pieces. And one thing hasn’t changed: she is still clearly—inexplicably—afraid of him.

Elspeth’s heart is racing. That she and Conn are here at this moment means her numbers were right. Beyond this moment, though, is a fate she cannot comprehend. The one equation she’s never been able to calculate. The one outcome she cannot control—love.

This title has been previously published under the title Everything Counts.

Warning: Star-crossed lovers who need a little push to fully understand the phrase, “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.” Explicit sex with enough steam to prove the Chaos Theory.

So all the non-hardcore Megan Hart fans will ask themselves "What's the problem with these 2 books?"

So I wouldn't say there is a problem but these books have some things in common:
- The heroine's name is Elspeth (Elle's real name as mentioned in Dirty) and they both have a counting disorder- they count to keep their mind occupied.
- There's a tragic incident in both heroine's past that nearly completely identical.
- The heroine is scared of commitment or better said of deep emotion- to bind herself to someone else.
- the bar in both novels is called "The Slaughtered Lamb"

But both books are also completely different: Tithed is a paranormal novella that only touches these rather complicated topics lightly in contrast to Dirty which puts a rather large focus on the characterization and emotional development of the relationship between or two protagonists.

I thought the two stories both handled the topic good in their own way. Tithed was a compact and light approach but still everything was balanced and the additional magical touch gave the story an extra charm.
Dirty is and will probably always be one of my favorites novels- it's hard to explain how much this story touched me emotionally. It's an intense book with characters that could easily jump of the pages.

I know that Tithed is a re-published work so perhaps it was the original Dirty. Not sure about that though.
I never noticed something like this before- the same storyline in two different settings and length.

Have you ever noticed something like this before?
What do you think: nice twist to a storyline or not your cup of tea?

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